What the heck is the big deal about Gut Healing? Hormone Balancing? Biofilms? Immune Support? Auto-Immune Disease? Neurotransmitter Support? Mood Disorders? MTHFR Gene Mutations? Reducing Toxin Exposure? Prebiotics? Probiotics? Enzymes? The Microbiome? Eating Organic? Intermittent Fasting? Proper Food Combining? Weight loss? Medicinal Mushrooms? Topical Use Essential Oils? Other Questions????
Come with your questions, thoughts, struggles and be prepared to be INSPIRED & EMPOWERED for your optimal health! These 40 minute online gatherings have been a hit! Watch for (and check your junk mail if you do not receive) your weekly email from Colorado Clean Eaters with the link to your 5 minute weekly webinar on many health related topics.
Post your favorite recipe or "great find" on our Facebook page... https://www.facebook.com/coloradocleaneaters/ We are hoping to get more people connected through this page where you can all encourage and inspire one another!!
You can download and print our "Eat to Live" Lifestyle document on the resource page of our website... https://www.newdaywholehealth.com/resources
Colorado Clean Eaters is a community group formed by Nancy Knudson of New Day Whole Health. Nancy is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach and Nutrition Specialist.