• Chronic illness is rooted in the gut. I recommend to start with my Gut & Immune Starter Pack. These four products are inexpensive and a great supportfor improvinggut health, better digestion, methylation, detoxification and more. When we get the gut healthier so many other things fall into place. This pack includes the Immuno Gland Plex. Glandular therapy has been used in traditional Chinese Medicine for thousands of years. Also three essential oil blends for addressing biofilms. Essential oils are shown in research studies to help break down biofilms that harbor yeast, fungus, mold, bacteria, parasites, viruses, heavy metals and other toxins. This pack comes with complete instructions on how to use as well as my Eat to Live Lifestyle Guide with tips for next steps.

  • If you want simple and affordable solutions for better health this is it! I had TONS of health issues 15 years ago. For most of my life I was not well. Twenty five years of going from doctor to doctor to doctor without any improvement. I found that cleaning up my diet made a huge difference. Then 4 years with a Functional Medicine doctor and a Naturopathic doctor. I spent a small fortune on medical testing, retesting, boatloads of supplements and still my gut was not right. I kept having lots of issues and food sensitivities. I became more and more convinced that being healthy did not have to be that hard or expensive. After studying with the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and the Institute for Functional Medicine I than studied at the Essential Oil Institute with Dr. Josh Axe. I began hand crafting the oil blends in 2016 and I was finally able to break free. I am a firm believer in food as medicine. Our health will never be perfect but most people can be SO much better than where they are if they are stuck in a bad place for their health.

  • Our Essential Oil Guide will answer in depth how to use your oils. Be sure to read thoroughy before use. Your order will also come with a hard copy of the guide.

  • Everyone is bioindividual! Your diet, lifestyle and also on how severe your symptoms are will determine how long you will want to continue. Personally I used the glandular therapy and the oils in the starter pack for about 6 months and now I only use them occasionally as needed. Your essential oil guide and the

    Eat to Live Guide

    give lots of tips and ideas on how long you may want to use the different oils and the glandular therapy. Some of the oils are meant to be used for long term continual use while others are for therapeutic short term use.

  • A Herxheimer Reaction is when we initially react negatively to botanicals, supplements or foods that we are taking to help kill off pathogenic microbes in the gut. If you are super sensitive or have reactions scroll to the bottom of this page to read about how to support sensitivities and Herxheimer reactions.

  • I provide one on one consulting as needed. You can schedule on the


    page of the website. You fill out the health history evaluation form on that page as well and I review your information before we talk. People typically get some very good insight during this call. We can talk by voice call, FaceTime or if you have a zoom link you would like to provide to me we can do that way as well. My consultation cost is $79.

  • I encourage you to watch through my FREE 30 Steps to Optimal Health Series on the

    30 STEPS

    page of the website. These 30 short videos will take you step by step how to work toward your optimal health. Also you can post your questions to me on social media on my


    posts and I will be happy to answer questions there. This is a great space to learn and grow and I always appreciate the comments and questions there!

  • I have TONS of FREE resources on the


    page of the website! This page has PDF files you can download for free such as my Recipe File, Snack Idea List, Decreasing Your Toxin Load Checklist and more. You will also find on this page my FREE Virtual Grocery Store Tour with photos of items you can look for at your local grocery store and blog post on each photo explaining why it is important to use higher quality products and ingredients.

  • Superfood powders have been used in traditional cultures for thousands of years and are such a better option than all of the man made synthetic and isolated vitamins and minerals on the market today. They are also a super


    way of addressing nutrient deficiencies which are a huge factor in chronic illness. I stock my four favorite superfood powders in bulk USDA Organic on the


    page of the website.

  • There are many things you can do to get past these issues.

    1. Go SLOW with your Gut & Immune protocol. Die off reactions are less when we go slowly. Incorporate only one new thing at a time. Pay attention to how each is working for you. Add the next thing the next day or when you are ready. If you add several things at once it can be very overwhelming to the body!

    2. If something seems to not agree with you put that thing to the side and move on to the next thing and then come back to it later. Often the Glandular Therapy or one of the medicinal mushroom powders can be a good thing to start with rather than the oils because it helps to rebuild the immune system.

    3. If the Glandulars seem to be to strong open the capsules and take only a small amount daily. Many people find that microdosing with 1/4 of a capsule is not only well tolerated but actually very affective! Same goes for the superfood powders. Most of those say to take 1/2 t. but many people find that about half that amount is actually better.

    4. DON’T try to supplement your way out of feeling crappy! It is going to take time to unwind the illness in our bodies. Self care can go a long way!

    5. Use my acupressure techniques. These videos are FREE on the Acupressure Page here on the website. Doing these tapping techniques can be an amazing support to your journey especially if you are having reactions.

    6. Drink hot water with lemon and find different herbal teas to support. The Throat Coat Tea By Traditional Medicinals is a great one for supporting gut healing and ones like lemon balm or chamomile for sleep.

    7. STAY POSITIVE! If you say you can YOU WILL! If you say you can’t you WON”T! Either way you are right!